Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tell me all about your Labor Day weekend. What did you do? Include photos!

During the Labor Day weekend I was icing and taking Advil every 4 hours! Why? Well, I was in pain from my akeeles injury (back of the foot) that happened during football. I'm pretty sure I got injured there because this summer I really didn't do any hardcore-workouts, because I was on vacation a lot. And shooting into football like that; my muscles weren't prepared for that. Aside from that, I went to my mom's friend's 40th birthday party (she forced me to go), it was okay, the best part was the food and the K-State game. Sunday I just hung out with friends and slept over at a buddies's house. And monday, I worked for my grandpa and made 40 bucks!

All together, it wasn't to bad!

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